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Hashtag Directory

Person forming a hashtag symbol with their fingers.

Person forming a hashtag symbol with their fingers.

Want to join the conversation online? Use or follow these hashtags to connect with other Broncos on social media.




#GoBroncos - This hashtag is also used by the NFL team Denver Broncos. Use it in conjunction with other SCU hashtags.
#InstaClara - Use this hashtag to categorize Instagram pictures of Santa Clara. (Not exclusive to SCU.)
#SCU - Use to describe all things SCU.
#SCUAlumni - This is the official SCU alumni hashtag.
#SCUMissionWedding - Use this hashtag to share pictures from weddings in the Mission Church.
#SCUSnap - Use this hashtag to give the University permission to share your photograph (with credit.)
#SCUter - This hashtag is used to share pictures, videos and conversation about SCUter, our drone. (Not exclusive to SCU.)

Alumni Event Hashtags


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