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Jahangiri, Shiva


I joined the Computer Science and Engineering department in the Fall of 2022. My research interests include Data Management Systems, Big Data, Semantic Web, Knowledge Graphs, and Information Integration. Please email me if you are interested in collaborating with me on research or pursuing a Ph.D. in databases (especially if you are working in the industry and would like to pursue your Ph.D. as a part-time student).


Ph.D. Computer Science, University of California, Irvine
M.S. Computer Science (Data Science), University of Southern California

Current Research Interests

Big Data Management Systems, Databases, Resource Management and Query Scheduling, Information Integration

Courses Taught

  • COEN 174 -  Software Engineering (Spring 2023)
  • COEN 380 -  Advanced Database Systems (Winter 2023)
  • COEN 178 -  Introduction to Database Systems (Winter 2023)
  • COEN 380 - Advanced Database Systems (Fall 2022)

Recent Publications

Jahangiri S., Carey M., Freytag J.C. “Resource Management and Query Scheduling for Big Data Management Systems” Under Preparation for VLDB 2024.
Jahangiri S., Carey M., Freytag J.C. “A Comprehensive Study of Performance Trade-offs for Hash-Based Multi-Join Queries” Under Preparation for VLDB 2023.
Jahangiri S., Carey M., Freytag J.C. “Design Trade-offs for a Robust Dynamic Hybrid Hash Join”,Proc. VLDB Endow. 15(10): 2257-2269, 2022.
Jahangiri S. “Wisconsin Benchmark Data Generator: To JSON and Beyond” Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Management of Data, {SIGMOD} Conference 2021, online conference [Xi’an, Shaanxi, China], June 20-25, 2021.
Jahangiri S. “Re-evaluating the Performance Trade-offs for Hash-Based Multi-Join Queries” Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Management of Data, {SIGMOD} Conference 2020, online conference [Portland, OR, USA], June 14-19, 2020.
• Kim T., Behm A., Blow M., Borkar V., Bu Y., Carey M. J., Hubail M., Jahangiri S., Jia J., Li C., Luo C., Maxon I., and Pirzadeh P. “Robust and Efficient Memory Management in Apache AsterixDB” 2020, Software - Practice and Experience Journal.
• Cohen L., Uras T., Jahangiri S., Arunasalam A., Koenig S., Kumar S.: “The FastMap Algorithm for Shortest Path Computations” IJCAI 2018: 1427-1433.
• Becker K., Jahangiri S., Knoblock C. A., "A Quantitative Survey on the Use of the Cube Vocabulary in the Linked Open Data Cloud" 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Statistics, Bethlehem, U.S., October 2015.
• Becker K., Tan X., Jahangiri S., Knoblock C. A., "Finding, Assessing, and Integrating Statistical Sources for Data Mining" 4th workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Meets Linked Open Data (Know@Lod 2015), University of Mannheim, May 2015.
• Ghandeharizadeh S., Gorman C., Irani S., Jahangiri S., Lam J., Nguyen H., Tani R., Yap J., "A Demonstration of KOSAR: An Elastic, Scalable, Highly Available SQL Middleware" In ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware Conference, Bordeaux, France, December 2014.

Shiva Jahangiri

Assistant Professor, Department Computer Science and Engineering

Research LAB: DBIS Lab