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Kreminski, Max


Max Kreminski is a researcher in artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, and creativity. They design and develop AI-based creativity support tools to assist human artists and designers, such as Germinate (a tool for making digital games without writing code); Redactionist (a tool for interactively creating erasure poetry from arbitrary input text); and Loose Ends (a “narrative instrument” that can be played to produce story, much like musical instruments can be played to produce music). The ultimate goal of their research is to unlock creativity in people who don’t ordinarily think of themselves as creative.

Max has published over 40 papers in HCI and expressive AI venues ranging from the ACM CHI conference to the International Conference on Computational Creativity. Six of their papers have won or been nominated for Best Paper or similar awards. They have been an invited speaker at numerous venues, including the industry-leading Game Developers Conference (GDC); a resident at Stochastic Labs; and their work has been covered by outlets including New Scientist, The Verge, The Next Web, and Polygon. Max is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Santa Clara University and holds a PhD in Computational Media from the University of California, Santa Cruz.


Ph.D. in Computational Media, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2022
M.S. in Computational Media, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2020
B.A. in Interactive Entertainment, University of Southern California, 2017

Person wearing glasses and a plaid shirt, sitting indoors with a neutral expression.

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
