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Said, Hisham


Hisham Said an Associate Professor of Construction Engineering and Management in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Sustainable Engineering at Santa Clara University (SCU). He is also the founder and coordinator of the Construction Management program. Prof. Said's research interests are directed to advance the scholarly and applied knowledge of industrialized construction, Generative Design, Spatial scheduling, Construction labor relations.

Before joining SCU, I worked as a Post-Doctorate Research Associate in Dr. Amr Kandil's group in the Division of Construction Engineering and Management (CEM) at Purdue University. I began my Post-Doc at Purdue after finishing my Ph.D. in August 2010 from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)  at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), under the supervision of Associate Prof. Khaled El-Rayes. I started my academic career in the Faculty of Engineering at Cairo University in Egypt where I finished my B.Sc. of structural engineering in 2003 and my M.Sc. of structural engineering in 2006, with a focus on construction management.


Ph.D. in Civil Engineering - Construction Management, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, August 2010
M.Sc. in Structural Engineering - Construction Management, Cairo University, May 2006
B.Sc. in Structural Engineering, Cairo University, May 2003

Courses Taught

  • CENG41 Statics CEN43 Strength of Materials
  • CEN128 Engineering Management & Economics
  • CEN184/284 Construction Project Delivery
  • CENG186/286 Construction Planning & Control
  • CENG187/287 Heavy Construction
  • CENG 192A/B/C Senior Design Project


  • Senior Fellow, Collegium Helveticum (Spring 2022)
    Merit-based membership for established scientists and artists who contribute to the Collegium Helveticum community as part of an academic stay at ETHZ, UZH or ZHdK.
  • Teaching Excellence Award, SCU School of Engineering (Winter 2019) Merit-based and nomination based award to an engineering faculty with proven record of productive research.
  • Researcher of the Year, SCU School of Engineering (Winter 2017), Merit-based and nomination based award to an engineering faculty with a proven record of productive research.
  • Outstanding Reviewer Award, ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering (Winter 2017), Award granted by the journal to the reviewers with the most thoroughness and helpfulness of their reviews.
  • Early Career Award, ELECTRI International (Spring 2013), Award research topic: Industrialization of Electrical Contracting: Supply Chain and Logistics Management.
  • ASCE ExCEEd Fellowship (Spring 2012), ASCE merit-based scholarship to attend Excellence in Civil Engineering Education (ExCEEd) workshop in Fort Meyers, FL June 2012.
  • Eminent Engineer Honor (Fall 2012), honorary membership in the Order of the Engineer organization bestowed on “Special engineers, who by reason of education, eminence or experience, are deemed worthy of the Order.”
  • UIUC Teaching/Research Assistantship and Tuition Scholarship (2006-2010). The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA.
  • AAAEA Student Scholarship (2008 and 2009). Awarded annually to distinguished Undergraduate or Graduate, Engineer, Architect, Computer Science student who is also a student member of AAAEA.
  • CAPSCU Prize for Distinguished Post-graduates (2008). Awarded annually by the Center for Advancement of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering Sciences (CAPSCU) at the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University to three distinguished post-graduate students. The decision is made on the basis of the quality of research work and the publications produced by the thesis.
  • Cairo   University Excellence  Award  (2003).   Presented by   Cairo   University to the most distinguishable students accumulatively over the  5-years Bachelor's degree.  Ranked first among  50 students of the structural engineering undergraduate program.
  • Students  Union  Excellence  Award  (1999-2003).  Presented by  Students  Union of  Faculty of Engineering - Cairo University to the most distinguishable students based on their academic performance during the corresponding year.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers
  1. Said H. and Reginato J. (2017). “Impact of Design Changes on Virtual Design/Construction (VDC) Performance for Electrical Contractors.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, accepted for publication and in production.
  2. Said H. and Bartusiak J. (2017). “Regional Competition Analysis of Industrialized Homebuilding Industry.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, accepted for publication and in production.
  3. Said H. and Kandimalla P. (2017). “Performance Measurement of Sheet Metal Ductwork Fabrication under Batch Production Settings.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, accepted for publication and in production.
  4. Said H., Chalasani T. and Logan S. (2017). “Exterior Prefabricated Panelized Walls Platform Optimization.” Journal of Automation in Construction, Elsevier, 76, 1 - 13.
  5. Said H. and Lucko G. (2016). “Float Types in Construction Spatial Scheduling.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Accepted for publication.
  6. Said H. (2015). "Modeling and Likelihood Prediction of Prefabrication Feasibility for Electrical Construction Firms." Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001051 , 04015071.
  7. Said H. (2015). “Prefabrication Best Practices and Improvement Opportunities for Electrical Construction.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001018 , 04015045.
  8. Lucko G., Said H., and Bouferguene A. (2014). “Construction Spatial Modeling and Scheduling with Three-Dimensional Singularity Functions.” Automation in Construction, Elsevier, 43(7), 132 - 143.
  9. Said H., Nicoletti T, Perez-Hernandez P., and Heath S. (2014). “Utilizing Telematics Data to Support Effective Equipment Fleet Management Decisions.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, accepted.
  10. Said H. El-Rayes K. (2014). "Automated Multi-objective Construction Logistics Optimization System (AMCLOS)." Submitted to Automation in Construction, Elsevier, 43(7), 110 - 122.
  11. Said H., and Berger L. (2014). “Future Trends of Sustainability Design and Analysis in Construction Industry and Academia.” Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, ASCE, 19(1), 77 – 88. 
  12. Jeerangsuwan T., Said H., Kandil A., and Ukkusuri S. (2013). "Financial Evaluation for Toll Road Projects Considering Traffic Volume and Serviceability Interactions." Journal of Infrastructure Systems, ASCE, accepted for publication.
  13. Said H., El-Rayes K. (2013). “Performance of Global Optimization Models for Dynamic Site Layout Planning of Construction Projects." Journal of Automation in Construction, Elsevier, accepted for publication.
  14. Said H., El-Rayes K. (2013). “Optimal Utilization of Interior Building Spaces for Material Procurement and Storage in Congested Construction Sites." Journal of Automation in Construction, Elsevier, 31, 292–306.
  15. Su X., Cai H., Said H., and Kandil A. (2012). “GIS-Based Dynamic Construction Site Material Layout Evaluation for Building Renovation Projects Automation in Construction.” Automation in Construction, Elsevier, 27, 40 - 49.
  16. Said H., El-Rayes K. (2010). "Optimizing Material Procurement and Storage on Construction Sites." Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 137(6), 421 – 431.
  17. Said H., El-Rayes K. (2010). "Optimizing the Planning of Construction Site Security for Critical Infrastructure Systems." Automation in Construction, Elsevier, 19(2), 221 - 234.
  18. El-Rayes  K.,  Said  H.  (2009). "Dynamic  Site  Layout  Planning  using  Approximate  Dynamic Programming." Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 23(2), 119 - 127.
  19. Said H., Marzouk M., and El-Said M. (2009) "Application of Computer Simulation to Bridge Deck Construction: Case Study." Automation in Construction, Elsevier, 18(4), 377 - 385.
  20. Marzouk M., Said H., and El-Said M. (2009) "Framework for multi-objective optimization of launching girder bridges." Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 135(8), 791 – 800.
  21. Marzouk M., Said H., and El-Said M. (2008). “Special Purpose Simulation Model for Balanced Cantilever Bridges.” Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 13(2), 122-131.
  22. Marzouk M., Zein El-Dein H., and El-Said M. (2007). "Application of Computer Simulation to Construction of Incremental Launching Bridges." Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, Vilnius: Technika, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 27-36.
  23. Marzouk M., Zein El-Dein H., and El-Said M. (2005). "Scheduling Cast-in-Situ on Falsework Bridges Using Computer Simulation." Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 231-245.
Book Chapters and Refereed Conference Proceedings
  1. Said H. and Reginato J. (2018). "Planning and Control Framework for Virtual Design and Construction: Case-based Evidence from Electrical Construction." Construction Research Congress (CRC), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), April 2 – 4, New Orleans, Louisiana. 
  2. Reginato J. and Said H. (2018). "The Impact of BIM Design-related Changes on the Performance of VDC Tasks of Electrical Contractors in the United States." Construction Research Congress (CRC), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), April 2 – 4, New Orleans, Lousiana. 
  3. Bartusiak J. and Said H. (2018). "Post-Disaster Interim Shelter using Manufactured Housing Units: Analysis of Systems and Supply in the United States." Construction Research Congress (CRC), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), April 2 – 4, New Orleans, Lousiana.
  4. Kim, J., Bezrukova, K., Wang, E., Loyd, D., Spell, C.S. & Said, H. (2017). “Checked and Balanced: The Role of Group Faultlines in Ethical Decision Making.” Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research conference. St. Louis, MO.
  5. Kim, J., Bezrukova, K., Wang, E., Loyd, D., Spell, C.S. & Said, H. (2017). “Checked and Balanced: The Role of Group Faultlines in Ethical Decision Making.” Midwest Academy of Management Conference. Chicago, IL.
  6. Said H. and Bartusiak J. (2016). “Detailed Analysis of Texas’s Manufactured Housing Growth and Competition.” Modular Construction Summit (MOC), University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta September 29 – October 1.
  7. Daneshgari P, Moore H. and Said H. (2016). “Measuring and Tracking Externalized Work to Support Industrialized Construction.” Modular Construction Summit (MOC), University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta September 29 – October 1.
  8. Said H., Chalasani T. and Logan S. (2016). “Modeling and Optimizing the Efficiency-Variety Tradeoff of Customized Prefabricated Panelized Exterior Walls.” Construction Research Congress (CRC), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), May 31 – June 2, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  9. Said H., Ngo V.Y. and Bezrukova y. (2016). “Introducing Civil Engineering Students to Ethical Infrastructure Development: Toll Road Design Exercise.” Construction Research Congress (CRC), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), May 31 – June 2, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  10. Said H. (2015). “Predictive Modeling of Prefabrication Feasibility for the United States Electrical Contracting Firms”. 5th Construction Specialty Conference, Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE), Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  11. Said H. and Lucko G. (2015). “Construction Space Float Definition, Quantification, and Analysis”. 5th Construction Specialty Conference, Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE), Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  12. Said H. and Nicoletti T. (2015). “Telematics Data-Driven Prognostics System for Construction Heavy Equipment Health Monitoring and Assessment.” 5th Construction Specialty Conference, Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE), Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  13. Said H., Ali, A. R., and Alshehri M. (2014). “Analysis of the Growth Dynamics and Structure of Modular Building Construction Industry.” Construction Research Congress, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, May 19-21.
  14. Said H., Ali, A. R., and Alshehri M. (2014). “Analysis of the Growth Dynamics and Structure of Modular Building Construction Industry.” Construction Research Congress, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, May 19-21.
  15. Lucko G., Said H., and Bouferguene A. (2014). “Spatially-Constrained Scheduling with Multi-Directional Singularity Functions.” Construction Research Congress, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, May 19-21.
  16. Said H. and El-Rayes K (2013). Automated System for Multi-Objective Optimization of Construction Supply and Site Logistics. 4th Construction Specialty Conference, Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE), Montréal, Canada.
  17. Jeerangsuwan, T., Kandil, A., Said H., Ukkusuri, S. (2012). “Financial Viability Evaluation For A Toll Road Project Considering Serviceability.” Third International Conference on Construction In Developing Countries (ICCIDC–III), July 4-6, 2012 Bangkok, Thailand.
  18. Said H., and El-Rayes. K. (2012). “Optimal Material Logistics Planning in Congested Construction Sites.” Construction Research Congress (CRC), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), May 21 - 23, West Lafayette, IN.
  19. Said H., Kandil A., and Cai H. (2012). “Agent-Based Simulation of Labor Emergency Evacuation in High-Rise Building Construction Sites.” Construction Research Congress (CRC), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), May 21 - 23, West Lafayette, IN.
  20. Jeerangsuwan T., Said H., Kandil A., Ukkusuri S. (2012). “Optimization Application for Financial Viability Evaluation of PPP Toll Road Projects.” Construction Research Congress (CRC), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), May 21 - 23, West Lafayette, IN.
  21. Nookala S., Said H., Kandil A., Cai H., Al-Derham H., Senouci A. and El-Gafy M. (2012). “Developing a Framework for Pre-Design Process Simulation for Green Buildings.” Construction Research Congress (CRC), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), May 21 - 23, West Lafayette, IN.
  22. Nookala S., Said H., Kandil A, and Cai H.  (2011). “Conceptual Agent-Based Framework for Construction Stakeholder Interactions in Sustainable Building Projects.” 3rd International/9th Construction Specialty Conference, Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  23. Jeerangsuwan T., Said H., and Kandil A. (2011). “Financial Viability Evaluation for Toll Road Projects  Considering  the  Dynamics  between  Road  Condition  and  Travel  Demand.”  3rd International/9th Construction Specialty Conference, Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  24. Nookala S., Said H., Kandil A., Cai H., Al-Derham H., Senouci A., and El-Gafy M. (2011). “Simulation Framework for Pre-Design Process of Green Buildings.” Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, INFORMS Simulation Society, 11-14 Dec. 20111, Phoenix, AZ.
  25. Said H., and El-Rayes K. (2010). "Optimizing Material Logistics Planning in Construction Projects." Construction Research Congress, Construction Institute (CI), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Banff, Alberta, Canada.
  26. El-Rayes K., Said H. (2009) "Global Optimization of Dynamic Site Layout Planning in Construction Projects." Construction Research Congress (CRC) Conference, Construction Institute (CI), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Seattle, WA, USA.
  27. Marzouk M., Zein H., and Elsaid M. (2006) "Construction of Bridges using Cantilever Carriage Method: A Case Study." International Conference on Bridge Management Systems – Monitoring, Assessment and  Rehabilitation,  Housing and  Building  National  Research  Center  (HBRC), Cairo, Egypt.
  28. Said H., Marzouk M., and Elsaid M. (2006) "On the Use of Ant Colony to Optimize Launch Girder Bridges." International Conference on Bridge Management Systems – Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation, Housing and Building National Research Center (HBRC), Cairo, Egypt.
  29. Marzouk M., Said H.., Elsaid M. (2006) "Bridge_Sim: Framework for Planning and Optimizing Bridge Deck Construction Using Computer Simulation." Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference, Monterey, CA, USA.
Hisham Said, Associate Professor of Construction Engineering Department of Civil, Environmental, and Sustainable Engineering

Associate Professor, Coordinator of the Construction Management Program