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Guadalupe River Park Conservancy

Portable Ladder for River Access (ENGR 110, Winter 2012)

Guadalupe River Park Conservancy indicated they needed a device that would enable visiting students to more easily navigate the tiered retaining wall to get to the Guadalupe River...

Students: Dalan Angelo, Charlie Klein, Taylor Roden

Advisor: Shoba Krishnan

The customer, Guadalupe River Park Conservancy (GRPC), indicated they needed a device that would enable visiting students (afterschool, and home schooled programs) to more easily navigate the tiered retaining wall to get to the Guadalupe River. The SCU students designed a system that uses a folding portable ladder and buckets filled with water to serve as ballast and hold the ladders in place while in use. The system is portable enabling the staff of GRPC to bring it with them to the river when needed.