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Student Worker Spotlight

The University Library is one of the top on-campus employers of SCU students. 62 undergraduate and graduate assistants keep the Library running by providing research assistance, processing archival materials, operating the automated book retrieval system, and more!


Varun Srinavasan headshot

Varun Srinivasan
M.S. Computer Engineering '18
Hometown: Chennai, India


Which department in the library do you work for?
I work at the Library circulation desk.

What’s your typical work day like?
My role as a student assistant at the Help Desk is to help patrons get the most of library resources, like explaining the resources we have, searching for the books and articles they are looking for, connecting them with subject librarians, and most importantly, welcoming people in with a big smile.

What’s your favorite part about working in the library?
I love working in the library because I love books and reading. My favorite place in my house is the library which I set up out of my own interest. I get to meet a lot of students daily and I love to guide them to find books they need. This job helps me destress and balance academic work, studies and classes as a grad student with ease.

Has working at the library helped you academically? If so, how?
As my job involves a lot of talking with the public, I got a hang of confidently delivering my academic projects from team formation to project presentation. This is in addition to the knowledge I gained from the library resources.

What are your plans for after graduation?
I will graduate with a MS in Computer Science & Engineering this year and I’m very excited about it. My immediate plan is to find a good job with an IT company, preferably in California. In the future, I plan to pursue research in my field, and I would like to start teaching, which is my passion, as a profession.


Jun 11, 2018