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ADA Accommodations & Modified Duties

Procedures for Accommodating Faculty with ADA-Qualifying Disabilities

The procedures were revised in Winter and Spring 2022 in conversation with the Faculty Affairs Committee, representatives from the Disabilities and Chronic Illness Network, and Human Resources.


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Modified Duties Pilot

Per an August 15, 2022 decision, the Provosts have authorized a pilot program to adapt the modified duties policy to allow requests for exemption from in-person teaching for faculty at severe risk of COVID-19.

Faculty who have a documented medical condition associated with high risk for severe COVID-19 can request modified duties, which may include teaching remotely. Faculty who are seeking modified duties will need to submit documentation from a healthcare provider. Individuals who are seeking modified duties should download this form and share it with their healthcare provider. The completed paperwork should be submitted by the faculty member to Indu Ahluwalia ( Human Resources will inform the Dean that modified duties are appropriate. The dean and department chair will then work with the individual faculty member to draft a memorandum of understanding that outlines the modified duties.

Note: This process for requesting modified duties without being granted a Leave of Absence falls outside of the definition of modified duties in Faculty Handbook The Provost’s Office worked with the Faculty Affairs Committee and the Faculty Senate during the 2022-23 academic year to formalize this policy change. The Board of Trustees will consider approving this change to FH at their October 2023 meeting.