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Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University
Department ofInformation Systems and Analytics

Tsay Media Appearances



2023-0601 [Poets & Quants]: This EMBA Student Commutes From Japan To Silicon Valley Twice A Month

[From an interview with Koji Omura, who commutes every two weeks from Tokyo to Silicon Valley to attend SCU's EMBA program. Omura runs two publicly traded companies in Japan, one in real estate and another in real estate technology. APAMAN, the real estate business, has about 1,000 stores, about 400,000 placements per year, and about 1 million rental units under management. SystemSoft, the real estate technology company, provides real estate cloud services to approximately 60,000 stores. Omura also manages AVISPA Fukuoka, a J1 professional soccer team.]

What has been the most valuable part of the experience so far?

There have been many valuable learning experiences. To cite just one example, learning how to be a leader from Dr. Barry Posner in EMBA 900, Leadership in Dynamic Environments. “Enable Others to Act” has changed my relationship with my employees. I also regularly look back and study his book “The Leadership Challenge” as my management bible.

Next, I learned multiple and single regression analysis from Dr. Andy Tsay in EMBA 903, which changed my decision-making structure. I manage a professional soccer team, and I use multiple regression analysis to calculate the relationship between team wins and player compensation. It has enabled me to make extremely theoretical and unambiguous decisions.