Ciocca Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Santa Clara University offers several internship programs for students. Each program is designed to engage students deeply in the process of innovation and entrepreneurship, while helping to provide real solutions for our students on campus and interacting with the broader SCU community of alumni, students, faculty, and staff. Email us at cioccacenter@scu.edu if you are interested in a position at Ciocca Center!
When it comes to helping students, we recognize that student interns are in the perfect position to have “empathy for the customer," a fundamental tenet of the entrepreneurial mindset! In response, Ciocca Center has launched an ongoing project, staffed by students, to build the tools students need to find the resources and opportunities they want.
Our inaugural project is the Club Navigator, a smart database of all 170 student clubs and organizations across the entire university. Student leaders have worked with our center to create profiles for each club with attributes that students can use to find the clubs that are right for them. The tool was built by Elita Liu as project manager (’21 MS/Engineering Management) along with Lucas Negritto (’22 BS/Computer Science), Julia Sheppard (’23 BS/Business) and Mariah Manzano (‘20 BS/Web Design & Engineering).
You Are Here is expanding into its second project, a similar tool to help students find events across campus that are curated to their interests, including events that might not be widely known outside of a department or school.
The Bronco Ventures Accelerator is our summer program that helps to move startups towards venture funding. The BVA also runs other impactful programs, including the Accelerator Prep School that prepares very early ventures to apply to an accelerator program, and Idea School that helps founders learn how to shape an idea into a venture.
Student interns are integral to the BVA - keeping the programs running and providing the interns an up-close opportunity to meet real founders and see the startup process “live”! These experiences shape their understanding of responsible entrepreneurship.
Interns in this program will have the opportunity to work on all aspects of developing the Center, including operations, outreach, and communications to foster the continued growth of Ciocca Center.

Ciocca Center provides me experiential learning opportunities, mentorship, and the opportunity to develop my ideas into actual projects. I consider entrepreneurship a hands-on project.