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BEACH Client Application BEACH Student Application BEACH Mentor Application

Bronco Entrepreneurs' Applied Collaboration Hub - BEACH

BEACH provides an Advisory Service for startups and small businesses to benefit from no cost legal and business information and resources. This experiential program is an opportunity for SCU students to work in cross-functional teams while gaining real-world hands-on experience navigating, researching and advising clients on legal or business concerns. Clients receive free information and resources from BEACH backed by research, review of findings complete with valuable recommendations and additional resources.

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Small Business and Startup Student Advising

BEACH looks for motivated, curious and enthusiastic students who are ready to contribute value collaboratively in advising small business clients on legal and business concerns.

Students first apply to the BEACH program and are organized into cross disciplinary teams. A team consists of law and business students. This team experience involves collaborative thinking and brainstorming towards solving a client's business and legal challenge.

Three Roles in the BEACH Program — Apply Today

  • BEACH Clients - Small businesses and startups that would like business and legal information and resources through our program
  • BEACH Students - Student volunteers who give information and resources to BEACH clients
  • BEACH Mentors - Experienced professionals who recommend practical and student driven next steps that lead to client solutions

Join our Next BEACH Session!

Apply Now to be considered for our next cohort!

Apply to be a BEACH Client
Apply to be a BEACH Student
Apply to be a BEACH Mentor

This experience was really learning how to manage and deal with clients. It was great exposure to get to know our clients and hear their problems, while also coming up with solutions for their next steps. My team was amazing and everyone was so collaborative.

Yesie M.,  Marketing Major, Sophomore 


Applications are Open for Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses 

Gain information and resources on your most pressing business needs with an interdisciplinary team of Santa Clara University’s law and business students.

Picture of People Talking at an Event

Picture for BEACH Mentors

Become a BEACH Mentor

Mentors are organized to lead and provide information and resources to cross disciplinary teams.  A team consists of 2 law students and 2 undergraduate & graduate students. This team experience involves collaborative thinking and brainstorming towards solving a client's business and legal challenges.

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