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The T-Model of Engineering Education

“T-Model” of Engineering Education:
Education that Fits Entrepreneurship to a “T”

Here at SCU, we have adopted the “T-model” of engineering education—a deep technical core comprised of math, science, engineering, and design (the vertical stem, centered in the left brain), paired with a broad set of soft skills that are essential for success: communication, ethics, entrepreneurial mindset, creativity, and a global view (the horizontal arm of the “T,” centered in the right brain).
In today’s global marketplace, the T-model will define future successful engineers who must be innovative, ethical, humanistic, and able to communicate clearly in a multicultural environment while effectively managing complex projects staffed with interdisciplinary teams located around the world. Of course, this is what we strive for at SCU—to impart to our students the knowledge, skills, vision, and heart necessary to take on the challenges of the 21st century.

The image contains a collage of photographs arranged in the shape of a capital