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Billy Jones Wildcat Railroad

Billy Jones Wildcat Railroad Track Analysis (Engr110, Winter 2014)

As a follow-up to an earlier project, students used technology to create an aerial survey of the BJWRR track...

Students: Troy Lopez, Mohit Nalavadi

Advisor: Geetha Arun

As a follow-up to an earlier project, students used technology to create an aerial survey of the BJWRR track.  BJWRR proprietors asked students to determine the radii of turns along the track, total length of the railroad track course, and elevation gradients along the course.  An accurate survey was desired as speed and performance of the steam diesel engines is highly dependent upon turn radius and changes in elevation. Students used the Map My Run application to produce a digital view of the movement route including an aerial view.  The software is also able to provide a lateral view showing changes in elevation and total length of movement. The students also used Google Earth software which maps the earth by the superimposition of images obtained by aerial photography and GPS to provide a very accurate aerial view of the railroad.  Turning radii along the course were calculated using the “placemark” icon as a center point, and using the “ruler” icon to measure distance from each center point to the edge of the track.