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Basketball player in yellow and blue uniform preparing to shoot amidst defenders.

Basketball player in yellow and blue uniform preparing to shoot amidst defenders.

6 Lessons We Can Learn from Steph Curry

For Golden State Warrior Stephen Curry, success has been no accident. This NBA twice-selected MVP demonstrates time and again...
For Golden State Warrior Stephen Curry, success has been no accident. This NBA twice-selected MVP demonstrates time and again how drive, dedication, respect, and faith have led him to excel at the highest levels. We can all learn a few things from this inspirational young man.
  1. Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover - Curry is 6’3” and 190 pounds, which is small compared to the NBA average of 6’7” and 225 pounds. Because nearly every college coach underestimated his greatness, he ended up at Davidson College rather than a traditional basketball powerhouse, much in the same way Steve Nash ended up at Santa Clara University. Like Nash—who is also a two-time MVP—Curry found his way to greatness by being resourceful, innovative, skillful, and mentally stronger and smarter than other players.

  2. Never Stop Trying to Improve - As remarkable as it is for Curry to have won back-to-back MVPs and to be the first person in history to have been voted MVP unanimously, the more amazing fact is he may be the most improved player. A year after winning his first MVP, Curry has improved his stats in each category, which speaks volumes to the work ethic, focus, and determination he continues to have even after reaching a pinnacle point in his career.

  3. Good Guys Can and Do Finish First - Simply put, Curry is a really nice guy. I don’t know him personally, however, I have friends who know him very well and spend a lot of time with him in a variety of environments. They tell me that he is genuinely respectful, engaging, friendly, courteous, and helpful to everyone he meets, bar none. You don’t have to use people or be a jerk to get to the top.

  4. A Team-First Mentality Pays Off for Everyone - Curry is all about the team. His commitment and belief that a team’s success will lead to greater opportunities for the individual members is well documented. He works hard at making his teammates better both on and off the court. Recently, he said he’s not interested in free agency—which would be very lucrative for him— because he values the team mentality that exists with the Warriors, something so hard to find in professional sports.

  5. Use Your Success to Help Others - Curry was the 2013–14 Seasonlong Kia Community Assist Award winner in recognition of his numerous charitable contributions, fundraising, and remarkable generosity in the Bay Area and across the globe. The award recognizes the NBA player who best reflects the passion that the league and its players have for giving back to their communities. With this honor, Curry’s charity of choice, ThanksUSA, received $25,000 from the NBA and Kia Motors America. Curry also supports the Animal Rescue Foundation, Nothing But Nets, and the United Nations Foundation.

  6. No Matter How Successful, Remain Thankful and Humble - Curry never passes up an opportunity to give thanks to God, family, coaches, staff members, teammates, and fans for his success. You may have noticed that he points his finger up to the sky oftentimes after making a basket. It was a practice he began at Davidson, at his mother’s suggestion, as an outward sign and internal reminder that God gets the glory for his success.
pop culture,personal growth,teamwork,success,compassion,Illuminate
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