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Ignatian Award

St. Ignatius of Loyola believed one’s life purpose should be of love and service to others.

To that end, he said, “Go forth -- and set the world on fire.” And this award’s recipients have done just that. Through their words and deeds, they have helped set the world aflame with God’s love. They have brought light to the shadows of darkness and hope to those who despair. They act justly, love mercifully, and humbly serve those less fortunate.

The Ignatian Award publicly recognizes those Santa Clara University alumni who live the SCU ideals of competence, conscience, and compassion, and have been a credit to the Alumni Association and the University through outstanding achievement in their service to humanity.

  • Nominees must be an alumnus/a of Santa Clara University.
  • Service to humanity should be major determinant.
  • Individual accomplishment should reflect favorably on the Alumni Association and the University. Rotating Members of the Alumni Association Board of Directors and current members of the University Board of Trustees, Board of Regents, Board of Fellows, and University employees are only eligible if the work they are nominated for is in no way related to their Santa Clara responsibilities.
  • Ignatian Award candidates may not be nominated posthumously. The Ignatian Award may be granted posthumously only if a nomination is submitted and the nominee dies before the Selection Committee meets.
  • Any exceptions to the "General Criteria" must be unanimously approved by the Ignatian Award Selection Committee and the University President.
  • Nominations that are submitted and not selected will continue to be considered by the selection committee for a maximum of five years.
  • Alumni Association Past Presidents of the last three years
  • Alumnus/a Trustee - Staggered three year term, appointed by the BOD Ex-Officio, AVP, Alumni Relations
  • Alumnus/a Regent - Staggered three year term, appointed by the BOD Ex-Officio, AVP, Alumni Relations
  • Alumnus/a Fellow - Staggered three year term, appointed by the BOD Ex-Officio, AVP, Alumni Relations

All Ignatian Award recipients are honored at The President's Dinner annually. Please check the alumni calendar for event updates. 

Learn about the 2024 Ignatian Award winner, Scott Kerman ’89!

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