Q: What is the annual MOBI course reset?
A: The annual MOBI course reset is when we close the courses for the current year on our learning management system (LMS), and open the new year’s courses for enrollment. The same updates are also made on our website.
Q: What does this mean if I’m enrolled in a course and I haven’t finished?
A: You will still have time to finish your course after the reset, usually about two weeks. We will publish this deadline on our learning management system, and we will alert you by email.
Q: What if I don’t finish my course before the deadline after the course reset?
A: You can use your same MOBI student account to register for the new course, and you will have a year to complete it!
Q: Can I transfer my progress from one year’s course to the next year’s course so I don’t have to repeat any sessions?
A: Unfortunately progress from one course cannot be transferred to another course. If you have to repeat some sessions, it is another learning opportunity!
Q: When can I register for the new course(s)?
A: The new courses will be open for enrollment on the reset day!
Q: What if I’m taking a MOBI course through a partner organization?
A: The partner courses are not affected by the reset.
Q: Which courses are affected by the reset?
A: These courses are affected:
- Starting a Business
- Business Expansion
- Quick Start Entrepreneur
- Sales & Marketing Badge Course
- Iniciar un Negocio
- Expansión de Negocios
- Inicio Rápido Empresario
- Curso Corto de Insignia de Ventas y Mercadeo
Q: What about the Certificates of Completion and Digital Badges
A: Since you will not be able to access your previous course after the reset, it is a good idea to download your Certificate of Completion and Digital Badge before the reset date. Click here for instructions to download your Certificate.
Q: Where can I find these dates online or learn more?
A: Be on the lookout for any emails from scu-mobi@scu.edu that include information about your course(s). You can also visit the Course Alerts, Announcements and Updates page on our website for any information regarding current alerts, announcements, or updates for our online courses.