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Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University


LSB Community Fellows 2019-20
Ijeoma Anyanwu
2019-20 Fellow,
Cristo Rey High School San Jose, Criso Rey Work-study

Makreting & Communication Double Major
Home Town:  Hayward, California

What were your responsibilities at your internship with the Cristo Rey High School San Jose?
When arriving at Cristo Rey, my supervisor asked me about the type of work I enjoyed doing, so the tasks I completed were largely due to my preference. My responsibilities/tasks that I completed while a Special Projects Intern included the following: assist with CWSP event planning and preparation, post engaging content on school’s LinkedIn, create visually appealing slide decks for board meetings and school events, pitch proposals for new ideas or improvements for the program.  I was also responsible for auditing CWSP drivers’ biweekly timecards, creatively putting together celebratory content for the Class of 2020 (due to COVID-19), designing the monthly CWSP supervisor newsletter.  My other tasks included project management (I specifically managed a revamp for CWSP’s section of the website) and attending bi-weekly check-in meetings with supervisor.

In what ways do you think you made positive contributions to the Cristo Rey High School San Jose?
I believe that the contributions that I’m most proud of include consistently posting on the LinkedIn accounts, as well as the work that I was able to complete while managing the website updates. A decent amount of CWSP’s section of the website had needed to be updated for a while now, and I enjoyed being able to propose my ideas and then strategize on how to complete the vision. Lastly, I think the contributions I made for different events throughout the year-- Work Team Meet-Up, The CWSP Heroes Luncheon and College Signing Day/Graduation-- allowed me the opportunity to meet other staff at Cristo Rey, and felt very meaningful because I was able to create content that was very forward-facing and crucial to the event. It’s always great to feel important!

What would you recommend to LSB students who want to make a difference in the community?
For LSB students who want to get more involved in the community, I think that this program provides an interesting way to at least become more educated about the issues and work being done in the community that immediately surrounds you. I always say that at SCU, we live in a bubble that is really nothing like the community around us, so it is so important to be active off-campus. Especially as business students, there aren’t many learning opportunities centered around nonprofit business work, which involves business that may more closely work with members of different communities in the Bay Area. This program provides a working opportunity, but volunteering and meeting people while doing so represents a more active way to ensure you’re not sitting idly while the world outside passes you by.