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The Ethical, Pragmatic, and Intelligent Computing (EPIC) Laboratory @ SCU

SCU's Ethical, Pragmatic, and Intelligent Computing (EPIC) Laboratory is one of the leaders in supporting Humanitarian Technology research at Santa Clara University. The faculty and students involved in the lab span across many departments as most projects in the lab are multidisciplinary in nature and execution. SCU's EPIC lab is in partnership with SCU's Frugal Innovation Hub and BioInnovation and Design Lab on several student driven as well as industry sponsored projects.


Research Paper Blockchain (RPB)

A consortium level block chain for tackling plagiarism and double submission of research papers to conferences and journals

Data Science


Research into the quantification and visualization of olfactory data

Second Chances

Paper Prisons

A statistical study of the gap size in individual criminal history expungement of decriminalized offenses and development of an app suit for expungement of criminal records as well as obtaining IDs for rehabilitated citizens.

Internet of Things (IoT)


Low cost Dissolved Oxygen monitoring system for aquatic life applications

FloMoSys (Flood Monitoring System)

Low cost and energy-efficient Flood Monitoring System Expo presentation: EPICS in IEEE

GluMo (Glucose Monitoring)

Small factor noninvasive blood Glucose Monitoring medial instrumentation

Alt text: 'HiveSpy logo with stylized bee wearing a hat.'


HiveSpy is working towards automation of beekeeping with a specific focus on labor shortage and the prevention of hive swarming. Essentially, it is the design and implementation of IoT solutions to monitor the production yield of the bee's honey effectively.

HA (Hydration Automation)

Hydration Automation (HA) is an energy efficient system for automation of water systems including water tanks, pumps, etc. In comparison to expensive, huge, complex, proprietary, often manual, and very energy hungry industrial solutions out on the market, HA is a cheaper, smaller, simpler, modular, smart, and sustainable Hydro-System.



Divisibility Operator for Large Integers Using Divisibility Rules which can save CPU time and energy consumption

AI (ML and NN)


A machine learning approach for forecasting seasonal influenza outbreaks


A system for the assessment of the effectiveness of classroom technology and pedagogical practices.

Web and Mobile Applications


A platform for the democratization of political bargaining and fundraising


Mobile and web application for making ethical decisions when purchasing products.


First Responder (Firefighters, EMTs, etc.) mobile app and future specialized handheld device(s) for saving lives

Public Transit Hub

Mobile and web application for assisting SCU students with public transportation


A mobile navigation application that takes the safety of the roads into account when suggesting routes.