Remember the Fight Over Net Neutrality? Biden’s FCC Chair Wants to Bring it Back
Chase DiFeliciantonio, reporting for the San Francisco Chronicle, addresses net neutrality — a long-debated policy that was solidified under President Barack Obama and reversed under President Donald Trump, required Internet service providers to treat all communications on their networks the same regardless of content. The reversal of net neutrality led broadband companies to a model that provides more robust service to those willing to pay more for it.
"Industry usually prefers to have one set of rules and uniformity and opposes patchwork laws," said Irina Raicu, director of the Internet Ethics program at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University. But internet providers "opposed federal regulation and ended up with a patchwork of laws."
Irina Raicu, director, Internet Ethics, quoted by the San Francisco Chronicle, and republished by Government Technology.