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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics


Two people texting with mobile phones.

Two people texting with mobile phones.

The Better way to Fast From Social Media this Lent

Brian Green, director of technology, quoted in America Magazine.

Lent is a time for giving up vices and reflecting on the important things in life. Brian Green spoke about the impact of Lent and the self-awareness it can bring, especially when it comes to things as ingrained in our daily lives as the internet. 

“That’s the wonderful thing about Lent, right?” says Brian Patrick Green, the director of technology ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University. “You’re giving something up, and then you discover whether you can actually give it up or not.

“Can you put the thing down?” he asks. “Can you kind of detoxify from it or whatever negativity might be emanating from that technology? Do you actually have control over it, or does it have control over you?”

Brian Green, director of technology, quoted in America Magazine.

technology, media