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Jenna Rosati

A person smiling with arms crossed outdoors in a garden setting.
Jenna Rosati

Graduation Year: 2013

Hometown: Morgan Hill, CA

Current Residence: San Jose, CA

Major at Santa Clara: Economics

Occupation: Alumni Relations

Email Jenna

Favorite memory from Santa Clara

  • Every year's Welcome Weekend
  • My summer as an Orientation Leader
  • SCU vs. Gonzaga basketball games

Extracurricular activities while a student at SCU

  • Associated Student Government President
  • Orientation Leader
  • Intramural Sports
  • Magis Retreat Leader
  • Alumni Association Student Worker

My hobbies and interests

  • Spending time with family and friends
  • Coaching basketball
  • Running and hiking

Things I am good at...

  • Bringing unique individuals together to create a cohesive team
  • Program management
  • Planning events and social activities

Expertise that I have acquired in my life and career that I bring to my term of service on the SCU Alumni Board

  • Leadership based on individual relationships
  • Creative problem solving