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Santa Clara Leavey School of Business homepage
Department ofEconomics

Economics College of Arts & Sciences

Economics Major and Minor in the College of Arts & Sciences

In addition to fulfilling University Core Curriculum and College of Arts and Sciences requirements for the bachelor of science degree, students majoring in economics must complete the following departmental requirements:

  • ECON 1 or 1E, 2, and 3
  • MATH 11 and 12, or MATH 30 and 31
  • OMIS 40 or MATH 122 or MATH 8 
  • Econ 41 and 42
  • ECON 113, 114, 115, and 181 or 182
  • Five upper-division economics electives, at least two of which must be completed after ECON 113 and 115

Click for the A&S Checklist


Economics Minor through the College of Arts & Sciences

The minor in economics is taken through the College of Arts and Sciences. Students with a minor in economics must complete the following requirements:

  • ECON 1, 2, 3, 113, 115
  • Two additional approved upper-division economics courses
  • MATH 11, 30, or 35

How to Apply
Fill out the online Program Petition Form on the Office of the Registrar Forms page. Students will receive an email when the program petition form is approved by the academic department and sent to the Office of the Registrar. 

Where can I learn about these courses?
When should I take these courses?
Who will be teaching me?
What can I do with this degree?