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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics


How AI Could Help Protect Against the Spread of Misinformation

Subbu Vincent, director, journalism and media ethics, quoted by Lifewire.

Fake news is a political and cultural problem as well as a technical issue, Subramaniam Vincent, director of the journalism and media ethics program at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University, said in an email. 

"It will take collaboration and consensus building amongst the AI industry actors and news media companies, and also generating a new thrust towards democratic culture in politics and elections upstream of tech," he added. "All of that will make it easier to counter the inevitable pushback that bad actors create when AI tools are used to detect, label, and stop the distribution of fake news. AI is a powerful element, but not the only one, in the bigger mess of a battle for democracy in America and elsewhere."

Subbu Vincent, director, journalism and media ethics, quoted by Lifewire.

media, journalism