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Benefits Committee

Purpose:The Benefits Committee meets with representatives of and advises the Department of Human Resources and facilitates communication between the Department of Human Resources and the SCU community concerning benefit issues. The Benefits Committee makes its recommendations to the senior administrator overseeing Human Resources.


  • Bradley Joondeph, Professor of Law, 2022-25 (Chair)
  • Shirley Mata, Director, Employee Development and Wellness (ex officio)
  • Jane O'Brien, Benefits Manager (ex officio)
  • Julie Stone, Senior Director, Gift and Data Services, Development Office, 2022-25
  • Anne Baker,  Associate Professor, Political Science, 2023-26
  • Ramie Fernandez, Director of Finance, University Relations, 2023-26
  • Joe Nehil, Executive Assistant, Human Resources (administrative support, non-voting participant)

*Terms start on July 1 and run for three years. Committee members usually continue to serve an additional three months (July to September) as informal members to support the benefits planning process for the following academic year.

UPC Administrator:

  • Zenobia Lane, Vice President of HR

2024-25 Agendas

2024-25 Minutes


The University Coordinating Committee will appoint four members:  two from faculty and two from staff.  Faculty and Staff appointments will run for 3 years except where necessary to maintain staggered terms.  Members must be benefits eligible. The criteria used by the UCC in selecting committee members will include the willingness to study issues in order to reach informed conclusions; openness to the collaboration necessary to reach balanced solutions; the ability to consider a wide range of, at times competing, interests fairly; and the desire to both disseminate information about the committee's work to the SCU community, and to collect feedback and ideas from the SCU community to bring to the committee. Changes in the size or composition (for example, faculty versus staff) of the membership will be made jointly by the UCC and the Chief of Staff.  (revised July 2021)