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Department ofAccounting

Career Planning

The accounting department hosts two events each year dedicated to increasing student's understanding of career options available to them.

Building a Corporate Career with an Accounting / A&IS Background

Each Fall Quarter, the Accounting Department hosts a panel discussion titled “Corporate Accounting Career Panel Discussion.” First year and sophomore business students attend the event to learn about the variety of career opportunities available to Accounting and A&IS majors beyond public accounting. The panel consists of SCU accounting alumni with approximately 5-15 years of business experience who currently work in serve in different roles at their companies. Some career paths have developed in accounting-related areas, while others have evolved into different corporate functions. The discussion provides students a realistic perspective of careers and experiences available to Accounting and A&IS majors. For news about the most recent panel discussion read the Corporate Accounting Career Panel Discussion article in News and Events.

Accounting/A&IS Information Night

This annual event, reserved for sophomores currently taking introductory accounting courses, exposes accounting and A&IS students to professionals who have chosen career paths in the industry. Students have the opportunity to talk with business professionals and alumni in an informal setting. A panel of distinguished alumni from the accounting program discuss how they built their careers on an accounting foundation, how their careers have evolved, and share insight they have developed throughout their professional experiences. For news about the most recent Accounting/A&IS Information Night, see Accounting/A&IS Information Night in News and Events.