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Engineering News Fall 2022

2022 Faculty Research Awards

A snapshot of faculty research awards received so far in 2022.

Magnifying glass focusing on the word Research

March 30

PI: Yuhong Liu (Computer Science and Engineering)

Co-PIs: Yi Fang (Computer Science and Engineering) and Subbu Vincent (Markkula Center)

Funder:  The Miami Foundation

Amount:  $137,500

Project:  "Building a Live Chinese Language News Discussion Repository to Track and Combat Active Disinformation Campaigns"

March 31

PI: Behnam Dezfouli (Computer Science and Engineering)

Funder: National Science Foundation

Amount: $192,598

Project: "ERI: Pushing the Limits of WiFi Technology for Non-Mission-Critical and Mission-Critical Applications"

April 6

PI: Yi Fang (Computer Science and Engineering)

Funder: DOCOMO Innovations, Inc.

Amount: $30,000

Project: "Neural Learning to Rank for Sequential Recommendation Systems"

April 29

PI: Sean Choi (Computer Science and Engineering)

Funder: Hewlett Packard Labs

Amount: $75,000

Project: "Distributed DPU Resource Orchestration"

April 16

PI: Panthea Sepehrband (Mechanical Engineering)

Funder: National Science Foundation

Amount: $55,000

Project: "GOALI: Understanding the Mechanisms of Ultrasonic Bonding at Atomic Scale"


July 6

PI: On Shun Pak (Mechanical Engineering)

Funder: School of Engineering’s Faculty Research Excellence Grant Program

Amount: $78,676

Project: “Swimming Under the Microscope: From Microbes to Artificial Microswimmers"

July 6

PI: Panthea Sepehrband (Mechanical Engineering)

Funder: School of Engineering’s Faculty Research Excellence Grant Program

Amount: $119,987

Project: “Atomic Scale Mechanism of Void Formation in TSV"

August 19

PI: Maryam Mobed-Miremadi (Bioengineering)

Co-PI: Prashanth Asuri (Bioengineering), Unyoung (Ashley) Kim (Bioengineering), Aria Amirbahman (Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering)

Funder: National Science Foundation

Amount Awarded: $331,771

Project: "MRI: Acquisition of Multiscale Pore Size Analyzers for Research and Education"


August 31

PI: Maria Kyrarini (Electrical and Computer Engineering)

Funder: National Science Foundation

Amount: $221,617

Project: "Collaborative Research: DARE: A Personalized Assistive Robotic System that assesses Cognitive Fatigue in Persons with Paralysis"

October 4

PI: Kurt Schab (Electrical and Computer Engineering)

Funder:  North Carolina State University

Amount:  $575,700

Project: "Metrics and Scaling Principles for Energy Synchronous Direct Antenna Modulation Transmitters"

October 4

PI: Hohyun Lee (Mechanical Engineering)

Co-PI: Yi Fang (Computer Science and Engineering), Yuhong Liu (Computer Science and Engineering)

Funder:  National Institute of Standards & Technology/Technology Administration/DOC

Amount:  $150,000

Project: "Fair and Resilient Control of Energy Systems in Grid-Interactive Buildings Under Skewed and Faulty Communication"

October 31 *Note: Award came after the Fall 2022 Engineering News was printed*

PI: Yi Fang (Computer Science and Engineering)

Funder:  DOCOMO Innovations, Inc.

Amount:  $34,999

Project: "Fairness and Accountability of Machine Learning in Search Engines"


Editor's Note: Please accept our apologies for an error that appears in the printed version of this article. We mistakenly named the incorrect PI for the August 19 award. The correction has been updated on this article.