Easter Sunday and all of the Sundays of Easter are the primary focus of the liturgical year. Easter celebrates the wonder and joy of Christ’s Resurrection, which is the crowning mystery of the Christian Faith. The Eater Season consists of fifty days after Easter Sunday and culminates in the celebration of Pentecost, the Sunday that celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. Similar to Christmas, Easter is depicted by the colors of white and gold.
During the Season of Easter the readings focus on the appearances of the Risen Christ and on the early life and development of the Church. The time is one of joy and wonderment as death has been overcome and all believers are called to an everlasting life by which believers are made heirs to the Kingdom of God.

Build. Plant. Grow. provides catechetical instruction for children based on the Sunday readings of the Christian Church during the period beginning with Advent up to and including the closure of the liturgical year with the Feast of Christ the King. These readings from the Lectionary are divided into three-year cycles.
Lesson plans include a short exegesis of the readings, application to a children's book, and the virtue that is common to the Bible readings and the children's book, activities to extend the understanding of the virtue, practical advice for incorporating the virtue in an age-appropriate manner. Examples of the children's books include such favorites as The Conquerors, How to Heal a Broken Wing, and The Runaway Bunny.