A minor provides students with concentrated study in a particular aspect of a discipline. While not as broad or deep as a major, the minor curricula focus the coursework to give students command of a topic. The Leavey School of Business offers department minors and interdisciplinary minors. Below are the description, the requirements and the application process for each minor.
Departmental Minors
The Department of Information Systems and Analytics offers two minors: business analytics and management information systems. The Department of Economics offers a minor in economics through the College of Arts and Sciences. The Department of Marketing offers a new minor in Marketing. The Department of Finance offers a minor in real estate.
Business Analytics enables students to become adept at scientific, data-driven analysis of all aspects of business operations. Students learn how to use statistics, data management, data mining, and predictive and prescriptive modeling to turn data into information and insights to assist in making well-grounded business decisions. This minor is only open to business students.
Business Analytics Minor Requirements
- OMIS 30 - Introduction to Programming
- OMIS 105 - Database Management Systems
- OMIS 109 - Prescriptive Analytics
- OMIS 114 - Data Science with Python
- OMIS 115 - Predictive Analytics
One elective from:
- OMIS 113 - Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence
- OMIS 118 - Social Media Analytics
- ACTG 134 - Accounting Information Systems
- ACTG 155 - Financial Information Systems (cross-list with OMIS 150)
- ECON 173 - Applied Econometrics
- ECON 174 - Applied Times Series Analysis
- FNCE 146 - Introduction to Risk Management
- MKTG 182 - Analysis for Marketing Decisions
How to Apply:
Fill out the online Program Petition Form on the Office of the Registrar Forms page. Students will receive an email when the program petition form is approved by the academic department and sent to the Office of the Registrar.
Economics minor is taken through the College of Arts and Sciences. The rigorous, systematic analysis that the study of economics brings to bear on these and other real-world issues provides excellent preparation for careers in both the private and the public sectors, as well as for graduate study in economics, business, public policy, and law.
Economics Minor through the College of Arts & Sciences
The minor in economics is taken through the College of Arts and Sciences. Students with a minor in economics must complete the following requirements:
- ECON 1, 2, 3, 113, 115
- Two additional approved upper-division economics courses
- MATH 11 or 30 or 35
How to Apply:
The Marketing minor provides a broader understanding of the customer experience that is critical to companies today. The minor core course provides a strong foundation in understanding the value of a customer-centered focus, in understanding the decision process, and in understanding how to develop a marketing strategy for better marketing performance. The electives offer the opportunity to continue strengthening the ability to think strategically, creatively, and analytically to make decisions with a deeper understanding of stages of the customer journey.
Requirements for the Minor
Required Courses:
- MKTG 181 or 181s* – Principles of Marketing (Prereq: At least 60 units)
Plus four courses from the following list:
- MKTG 165** – Customer Centric Retailing (Prereq: ACTG 11 and MKTG 181 or 181s)
- MKTG 175 – Internet Marketing and E-Commerce (Prereq: MKTG 181 or 181s)
- MKTG 177 – Social Media Marketing (Prereq: MKTG 181 or 181s)
- MKTG 178 – Marketing Across Cultures (Prereq: MKTG 181 or 181s and MGMT 80)
- MKTG 185 – Sales Management (Prereq: MKTG 181 or 181s)
- MKTG 186 – Integrated Marketing Communications (Prereq: MKTG 181 or 181s)
- MKTG 187 – Innovation and New Product Marketing (Prereq: MKTG 181 or 181s)
- MKTG 188 – Marketing in Online Games (Prereq: MKTG 181 or 181s)
- MKTG 189 – Sustainability Marketing (Prereq: MKTG 181 or 181s)
- MKTG 190 – Brand and Content Marketing (Prereq: MKTG 181 or 181s)
- MKTG 191 – Customer Experience Management (Prereq: MKTG 181 or 181s)
- MKTG 192 – Marketing Analytics (Prereq: MKTG 181 or 181s)
- MKTG 194 – Business to Business Marketing (Prereq: MKTG 181 or 181s)
*MKTG 181 is a prerequisite for other Marketing courses
**MKTG 165 is cross listed under the Retail Studies minor and will not count towards the required number of electives in the Marketing minor if also pursuing a Retail Studies minor.
Always consult the course catalog for the latest information on all prerequisites. Please note that elective course availability is subject to change.
Minor Application Process
Complete the Minor in Marketing application form. The declaration of the minor requires admission via this application process. You need to submit your application by the due date/time for your application to be considered. Due to limited availability of seats, the minor is initially open only to Business students who are Juniors in Fall quarter of 2024 at this time. The number of students admitted to the program is through an application process with an open registration period.
If admitted, you will receive notification by end of April and be contacted to review your application and discuss course planning.
Upon approval of your application, you'll be required to complete the online Program Petition Form available on the Office of the Registrar website. After submission, the Marketing department will review and approve the form, copying you on the final approval notification.
Management Information Systems enables non-MIS majors to enhance their understanding of the information technology that drives today’s business. Students will learn how to create and manage information systems to support business functions. Being trained as business-oriented, technically proficient individuals, students can find career in every type of industry from health-care and banking to media and gaming, as well as in the high tech industry.
MIS Minor Requirements
- OMIS 30 - Introduction to Programming
- OMIS 105 - Database Management System
Three elective courses from:
- OMIS 106 - Systems Analysis and Design
- OMIS 107 - Systems Programming
- OMIS 111 - Computer Communication Systems
- OMIS 113 - Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence
- OMIS 114 - Data Science with Python
- OMIS 116 - Applied Machine Learning
- OMIS 117 - Software Development Project
- OMIS 118 - Social Media Analytics
- OMIS 120 - Web Programming
- OMIS 135 - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
- OMIS 137 - Object Oriented Programming
- OMIS 150 - Financial Information Systems
Non-business students minoring in MIS must also complete the following requirements:
- One course in mathematics chosen from MATH 11 or 30
- One course in statistics and data analysis chosen from OMIS 40, MATH 8, MATH 122, PSYC 40, or COMM 110
- Three courses in business chosen from BUSN 70, MGMT 160, MGMT 161, MKTG 181, FNCE 121, or OMIS 108 and OMIS 108E
Real Estate minor allows undergraduate students from across the university to develop fundamental skills that enable them to support, create, and lead real estate companies. Many disciplines contribute to this truly multidisciplinary field, which embodies the financing, acquisition, development, and ongoing management of real estate. The curriculum is designed to provide students across various disciplines, both within and outside of the business school, the opportunity to explore how to leverage their academic field of expertise in the world of real estate.
*The Real Estate minor was expanded effective July 2022. Click here for details.
How to Apply:
Fill out the online Program Petition Form on the Office of the Registrar Forms page. Students will receive an email when the program petition form is approved by the academic department and sent to the Office of the Registrar.
For legacy Real Estate minors who would like to change to the current requirements, please email the Finance Department with your request.
Interdisciplinary Minors
The Leavey School of Business administers three interdisciplinary minors open to business students and nonbusiness students: entrepreneurship, international business, and retail studies.
Entrepreneurship minor provides students who may be interested in either developing a business or working in a startup company the chance to explore that career option and acquire the skills that can help them to be successful. Students completing the minor should develop an understanding of the venture creation process including how to generate and develop a new business concept, apply analytical tools to identify and evaluate entrepreneurial opportunities, create and evaluate a business plan, and analyze different funding sources for a new venture. A critical element of the program is an internship working with an emerging for-profit or social benefit organization. The entrepreneurship minor is open to all SCU students.
Requirements for the Minor
Required Courses:
- MGMT 164: Introduction to Entrepreneurship (Prerequisites: ACTG 11*, MKTG 181. Note: ACTG 11* currently has a prerequisite of BUSN 70 or BUSN 170)
- MGMT 165: Building a New Business (Prerequisite: MGMT 164)
- MGMT 198E: Internship in Entrepreneurship (Prerequisite: MGMT 164, may be taken concurrently with MGMT 165)
Plus two courses from the following list:
- BUSN 197: Business/Engineering Project Collaboration Practicum (teamed with Engineering students as part of the KEEN initiative, available to Leavey School of Business juniors and seniors only)
- ECON 129: Economic Development (Prerequisites: ECON 1, 2, 3)
- ECON 185: The Economics of Innovation and Intellectual Property (Prerequisite: ECON 3, ECON 114)
- ENVS 145: Environmental Technology
- ENVS 148: Solar Revolution
- FNCE 141: New Venture Finance (Prerequisites: OMIS 40, ACTG 11*, ACTG 12, FNCE 121, FNCE 124)
- FNCE 143: Entrepreneurial Finance (Prerequisites: FNCE 121 and FNCE 124)
- FNCE 170: Business Valuation (Prerequisites: OMIS 40, ACTG 11*, ACTG 12, FNCE 121, and FNCE 124)
- MECH 144: Smart Product Design (Co-Requisite lab MECH 144L)
- MGMT 172: Social Entrepreneurship OR HNRS 120A Entrepreneurship for Social Justice
- MGMT 175: Managing a Family Business (Prerequisite: MGMT 160 or similar by permission)
- MGMT 177/ENGR 161 Cultures of Innovation
- MKTG 175: Internet Marketing (Prerequisite: MKTG 181/S)
- MKTG 177: Social Media Marketing (Prerequisite: MKTG 181/S)
- MKTG 182: Market Analysis (Prerequisites: OMIS 41 or ECON 42, MKTG 181/S)
- MKTG 187: Innovation and New Product Marketing (Prerequisite: MKTG 181/S)
- PHSC 157: Social Innovation in Public Health
- SOCI 150: Immigrant Businesses in the United States
- SOCI 172: Management of Healthcare Organizations
*ACTG 11 is for business majors; ACTG 11A is available for non-business majors.
Always consult the course catalog for the latest information on all prerequisites.
Minor Application Process
Complete the Minor in Entrepreneurship application form. The declaration of the minor requires admission via this application process.
You will be contacted to review your application and discuss course planning.
If your application is approved, fill out the Program Petition Form on the Office of the Registrar Forms page (Section 1 on the form) and drop it off with the Management Department Administrative Assistant.
Submit the completed and signed form to One Stop, Enrollment Services Center.
International Business minor is designed to educate students in a broad range of management and business skills in a global context. The program includes coursework in language, social science, and international business, and is open to all undergraduate students. The minor provides students with an understanding of the social, economic, and political context of international business, the language communication skills, and the business skills to be effective managers in a global marketplace. Students are encouraged to participate in a study abroad program or internship to complement this minor.
Requirements for the Minor
Students must complete the following requirements for a minor in international business:
Foreign Language
- One course from ARAB 23, CHIN 23, FREN 100, GERM 100, ITAL 100, JAPN 23, SPAN 23
- Students who feel that they already have the required level of language competency must demonstrate such by completing one of the above courses (or a more advanced 100 or 101 level course). Other languages do not qualify.
Business Fundamentals
- BUSN 70 (or BUSN 170); ACTG 11 (business majors) or ACTG 11A (non-business majors); ECON 1, 2, 3; and MGMT 80
- One course from MGMT 6, PHIL 26
World Geography or Social Science in a Global Context Cultures & Ideas 3
- Two approved Cultures & Ideas 3 courses in anthropology, history, political science, sociology, or two courses listed below, or a combination for a total of two courses in both groupings: ENVS 50; ECON 129, 134, 138; HIST 105; POLI 50, 119, 121, 122, 136, 137, 140, 142, 144, 146; PSYC 162; SOCI 138
- Other eligible selected comparative politics courses may be approved by the director of the international business minor program
- Note that some courses may require prerequisites.
International Business
- Two upper-division courses from FNCE 151; MGMT 170; MKTG 178; ECON 181, 182
- Note that some courses may require prerequisites and may be offered only once per year.
Recommended (but not required)
- Completion of advanced language courses
- Participation in study abroad programs; approved equivalent courses taken abroad may fulfill requirements of the minor
- Internship related to an international business career
- Additional coursework in economic development, modern history, and politics of selected world regions
How to Apply:
Contact Long Le, the director of the International Business Minor, at lle@scu.edu , to set up a meeting to review the requirements of the minor and have Fill out the Program Petition Form on the Office of the Registrar Forms page (Section 1 on the form).
Submit the completed and signed form to One Stop, Enrollment Services Center
Retail Studies is offered by Retail Management Institute (RMI) is an in-depth immersion experience that prepares students for a diverse set of leadership roles including e-commerce, buying, merchandising, planning and allocation, digital marketing, and supply chain management. The program is open to all University undergraduates. Students entering the retail studies minor continue to major in their field of interest and receive their bachelor's degree in that field.
Minor Requirements:
How to Apply:
- Apply online through our website: www. scu.edu/rmi
- 1st Round interviews take place with RMI’s Associate Director, Cynthia Gamage.
- 2nd Round interviews with our Program Director, Professor Kirthi Kalyanam, take place upon successful completion of first interview.
After being accepted into the minor, students need to fill out the Program Petition Form on the Office of the Registrar Forms page (Section 1 on the form).
Submit the completed and signed form to One Stop, Enrollment Services Center
The Sustainable Food Systems minor provides students with the opportunity to explore the intersection of global food systems and sustainability. Courses address the cultural aspects of food, food policies, nutrition and public health, social justice, sustainability, and opportunities for creating new innovation and change within the food system.
Minor Requirements:
Contact Carol Kelly, the director of the Sustainable Food Systems Minor, at ckelly7@scu.edu, to set up a meeting to review the requirements of the minor and fill out the Program Petition Form on the Office of the Registrar Forms page (Section 1 on the form).
How to Apply:
Fill out the online Program Petition Form on the Office of the Registrar Forms page. Students will receive an email when the program petition form is approved by the academic department and sent to the Office of the Registrar.