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Sharon Hsiao received $103,759 from Arizona State University

Sharon Hsiao with the Computer Science and Engineering Department has received a $103,759 subaward from Arizona State University.

Sharon Hsiao with the Computer Science and Engineering Department has received a $103,759 subaward from Arizona State University. These funds originated with the National Science Foundation and will support her project "HNDS-I: CatMapper: User-friendly tools for integrating data by complex, dynamic categories".

This project will facilitate efficient and transparent translation across a wide array of categories, and helps users unlock, merge, and analyze a broader range of economic, social, political, and cultural data from diverse datasets. It will transform the original functional prototype to a robust web application design and undergo professional user testing. It will create a general framework for organizing other domains of complex and evolving categories, encouraging users to share challenges and solutions and learn from each other across these domains. The project capitalizes on existing data investments and stimulates future systematic data collection efforts at diverse scales & brings together scientists and policymakers from different fields who are grappling with a common and widespread challenge in data synthesis.