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MyOwnBusiness Institute

Home-Based Business Considerations - Business Plan

Download Section 3: Home Based Business Issues

Section 3: Home Based Business Issues


Factors in Selecting the Business

(Session 3): Describe your considerations for selecting your home business and include:

1. Your experience in the business?

2. Why will the business work as a home-based business?

3. How do you plan to market and sell your goods or services? In-person? On the web?

4. Are there any applicable legal restrictions to using your home for a business? For example, special zoning or licensing restrictions?

5. Your competition in this business.

6. Your expectations regarding growth and why.


1. The Home Based Business Time Commitment

(Session 3): Describe if the business will be a part-time or full-time activity for you. Be specific about how many hours you will be able to commit to the business and when?



2. Conflict of interest management

(Session 3): If the business is part-time describe your conflict of interest policy and how you will separate your outside job responsibilities from your home-based business responsibilities.




3. Operating personnel

(Session 3): Describe the personnel and partners who will be involved in operating the business including any family members. Describe their participation and responsibilities.


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Download Section 3: Home Based Business Issues