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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

The Revocation of Inter Caetera

A person in a blazer standing outdoors with a tree in the background.

A person in a blazer standing outdoors with a tree in the background.

Anthony Mejia '20

Anthony Mejia ’20, a 2019-20 Hackworth Fellow with the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University, reasons the Catholic Church should formally revoke the 15th-century papal bull, Inter Caetera.

This paper was developed during Mejia's senior year at SCU, where he majored in Psychology and Philosophy.

"Ethics is important to me because it represents the intersection of theory and real world application. I believe ethics should play a significant role in our decision making and policy creation worldwide, in order to help create a more just society."  - Anthony Mejia '20

Aug 1, 2020

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The Revocation of Inter Caetera


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