Maker Nights
Maker Night workshops are open to everyone and are especially recommended for EcoFashion Show participants! The workshops are opportunities to learn new techniques, get help with sketches, be inspired, and ask questions. No experience is required, and bringing any supplies/materials is completely optional.
Upcoming Workshop Dates
Visible Mending Workshop
Saturday, March 8 2025
11am - 12:30pm
The Forge Garden
RSVPVisible mending is a creative approach to repairing worn or damaged clothing that combines sustainability with self-expression, allowing you to transform imperfections into eye-catching additions and extend the life of your clothes.
Bring clothes you love that have small holes or stains and learn how to creatively give them new life! We will be providing materials and the instruction for decoratively mending clothes with thread and patches. This process is inspired by the traditional Japanese practice of shashiko mending, meaning “little stabs”.