In order to reduce waste during move-out, we coordinate and collect donations of items in good condition that can be reused or repurposed.
For information on move-out aside from waste diversion, please visit Housing's Undergraduate Move-Out webpage.

Clothing Items
These items will be used during Swap for Good on Friday, June 7. Any leftover pieces will be donated to a local non-profit or saved to be upcycled for EcoFashion Show.
- What we are collecting: Clothing (coats, dresses, pants, shirts, skirts), shoes (boots, sandals, sneakers), and accessories (bags, belts, jewelry, purses) free of stains/holes
- Where we are collecting: Outside of Bergin 200
- When we are collecting: June 3-6 (week 10). Items can also be dropped off during our Swap for Good event on Friday, June 7, on the Alameda Lawn.

Food and Toiletries
The Center for Sustainability partners with Bronco Pantry and the Office of Student Life to address food insecurity.
- What we are collecting: Unopened shelf-stable, canned and non-perishable food items and unopened toiletry items
- Where we are collecting: Green barrels outside the Cellar Market
When we are collecting: May 20th to June 7th, anytime Benson is open
Food that is not eligible for donation should be composted.

Recycle unsoiled paper products, plastics labeled 1-7, aluminum, metal, and glass in any regular recycling bin. There are specific locations to recycle the following special items:
- Universal waste: To recycle grocery bags, CFL lightbulbs, batteries & handheld electronics, and cartridges, drop them in the blue towers in residence hall lobbies and the Learning Commons.
- Terracycle: To recycle any empty deodorant containers, lip balm / lip gloss tubes, makeup containers / packaging, mouthwash bottles and toothpaste tubes, shampoo containers, and soap packaging, as well as Brita filters and other Brita products, drop them in the Terracycle collection bins in Malley whenever open. You can also recycle beauty products at Nordstrom in Westfield Valley Fair Mall.

Room Decor / Supplies
Students are highly encouraged to donate AND take items! All donations will be available during finals week at the Casa Italiana, Graham, and McLaughlin-Walsh collection zones (The Villas collection zone will only be accessible to Villas residents).
- What we are collecting: Closet and room organizers, decor, small appliances / electronics, and miscellaneous items in good condition (for a detailed list, check the table at the bottom of the page)
- Where we are collecting: Casa Italiana Commons, Graham Commons, McLaughlin-Walsh Lounge, and University Villas Multipurpose Room (for Villas residents only)
- When we are collecting: Finals Week! Monday, June 10 to Thursday, June 13 (7 am-7 pm) and Friday, June 14 (7 am-9 am)
Any leftover items will be given to incoming students in the Fall as part of our Bronco Surplus program or donated to a local nonprofit.

School Supplies
*in good condition – things people would want to use again!
Drop off any time at the Supplies Share Shelf. These items are free for anyone to take.
- What we are collecting: Adhesives, tools, school supply organizers, paper items
- Where we are collecting: Supplies Share Shelf (downstairs Benson near the KSCU office)
- When we are collecting: Any time Benson is open

Other Items
Please consider donating items we cannot accept to local off-campus organizations. Visit the links to see what they take.
Detailed List of Room Supplies Accepted
Drop these items off in good condition at Casa Italiana Commons, Graham Commons, McLaughlin-Walsh Lounge, and University Villas Multipurpose Room (for Villas residents only):
Room Organizers
Closet Organizers
Appliances / Electronics
Summer Storage
Bronco Storage provides storage per box or bulk item, free boxes for customers, as well as pick up and drop off services for those seeking a summer storage solution. Bronco Storage is not affiliated with Santa Clara University.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email Good luck on finals and have a good summer!