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Energy & Climate

University Operations targets our buildings as opportunities to use energy more efficiently. 

We commit to zero emissions growth, reducing emissions wherever possible, generating our own renewable energy when financially feasible, and achieving climate neutrality by offsetting the remaining greenhouse gas emissions. Retrofits to existing buildings improve their mechanical efficiencies, while new buildings are designed to be as energy efficient as possible. Besides ongoing efficiency retrofits and projects to reduce energy demand, Green Power purchases have helped us reduce our net emissions.

  • Compact fluorescent lightbulb on a dark surface.
    Energy Efficiency

    Over the past seven years the university has maintained an aggressive program of lighting and Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) upgrades to reduce energy consumption.

  • Stock photo by Elena Mozhvilo from Unsplash
    Energy Insights

    Conduct your own home energy audit by identifying the number of electronic devices plugged in, learn of your household's energy source and fuel mix, and be shown how to advocate for more renewable energy in their communities.

  • Alt text: Solar panels installed on a rooftop under a clear sky.
    Renewable Energy

    University Operations is committed to reducing emissions wherever possible. The campus is currently home to photovoltaics, solar thermal systems, and a wind turbine.

  • Silicon Valley Power, energy

    Energy use is a major contributor to the University's greenhouse gas emissions. Learn more about our emissions and our climate neutrality goals from our Sustainability Strategic Plan.

  • Winners from the Energy Challenge 2015
    Energy Challenge

    The annual, month-long competition encourages campus residents to identify areas to improve energy efficiency and resource conservation in their residence halls and to share those ideas with our Facilities and Utilities departments.

  • Emissions Factors
    Electricity: 0.0002905828 MT eCO2/kWh
    Natural Gas for Stationary Combustion (heating)0.0531667 MT eCO2/MMBtu
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