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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

Liam McBride

Liam McBride ’24 discusses the key to addressing our homelessness crisis focusing on the premise of a human right to housing. 

Liam McBride Showcase Slide

Access the video of Liam's Showcase presentation.

Liam's project included a video series about why we need the right to housing.

Access the video series "Why we Need the Right to Housing"


About Liam McBride

Liam McBride, a 2022-23 Hackworth Fellow at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

Liam McBride ’24 is majoring in economics pursuing minors in political science and religious studies and was a 2022-23 Hackworth Fellow with the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. After SCU he plans on going to either law school or getting his masters. Liam was born and raised in the Bay Area, and has witnessed the issue of homelessness in the region which is elevated by the high cost of living and the pandemic. McBride became interested in the issue of homelessness while taking a Religious Studies course on solidarity. 


Jun 14, 2023

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