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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

Vicky Pham

Vicky Pham '23 talked about ethical casting in a racially realized Hollywood: a framework. She provided solutions to the issue in her presentation. 

Vicky Pham Showcase Slide

Access the video of Vicky's Showcase presentation.

Learn more about Vicky's research, Ethical Casting in a Racially Realized Hollywood: A Framework.



About Vicky Pham

A person smiling in a well-lit room with blurred lights in the background.

Vicky Pham ’23 was a 2022-23 Hackworth Fellow with the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics and graduated from SCU with a major in communication and minors in creative writing and Asian American Studies. Vicky is passionate about championing and raising awareness to key issues facing the AAPI community—particularly with how they are represented by and in the media. Vicky enjoys reading, boxing, and shopping at the farmer’s market.


Jun 14, 2023

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