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Student Sustainability Coordinator Profiles

Maddy Sofer
Laudato Si’ Planning Sustainability Coordinator

Pronouns: She/Her

Year: 2025

Major(s): Business Management

Minor(s): Sustainability; Spanish

What do you do in your role at the Center? I’m working to support the planning of the Laudato Si Action Plan through communication with working groups and organizations.

What is your favorite part about being on the team? I love being a coordinator because it allows me to make a difference in my community and connect with others on issues that I am passionate about. I am excited to work on our Laudato Si’ Sustainable Action Plan!

What extra/co-curricular activities are you involved in on campus?  I am involved in LSB Peer Advising, women in business, and off-campus Greek life!

Other passions, hobbies, fun facts, or anything else you want to share? I am passionate about climate justice issues as well as sustainability and in the future, I hope to use my business background to help make a positive impact on our world. I enjoy spending time with my family and my friends, cooking with my roommates, and going on walks in the surrounding neighborhoods of Santa Clara!