First Year Olympics
Updated: October 5, 2023
What Is It?
The First Year Student Olympics is an annual tournament held on the 2nd Saturday of Fall Quarter. It is for first year students only, in a resident hall (RLC) competition to kick off the year! Participants take part in a handful of events ranging from traditional team sports such as basketball and soccer, to more unique events such as Rubix Cube challenges and more!
First Year Olympics will be taking place on Saturday, October 5 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. with all events taking place in the Malley Center and Beach Volleyball courts this year due to Bellomy Field re-turfing. Registration will run from September 16-September 30, so please work with your CFs to get teams assembled and registered!
Please visit to create your team (If you are a CF) or to join your RLC (If you are a first year student).
The events* that take place at First Year Olympics are a variety of challenges both sports based and non-sports based. Included are a 3v3 basketball tournament and dodgeball tournament hosted inside the Malley Center, as well as a soccer PK shootout, obstacle course team time trial, rubix cube challenge, and kickball tournament on Bellomy Field**. These events will pit resident hall RLCs against fellow resident hall RLCs in a competition for the championship banner that they will get to display in their building for the whole year. A true display of bragging rights! The winners will also receive a commemorative trophy built in the maker lab on campus that they will get to keep in their building!
*First Year Olympic events are subject to change based on turnout and availability.
**Due to Bellomy Field turf replacement, there will be no Bellomy Field events. 2024 event list includes a collective of the following: Dodgeball, 3v3 Basketball, Pickleball, Spikeball, Cornhole, Beach Volleyball, and Rubix Cube Challenge.
The First Year Olympics are for first year students only. It is designed to increase resident hall community building and introduce our newest broncos to Campus Recreation and in particular the Intramural Sports Program. Resident Hall CFs of all grades will act as team captains and communication liaisons with campus rec, which will allow them to participate as part of the team. However, no other students outside of the above mentioned criteria are allowed to participate in First Year Olympics, but are encouraged to satisfy that competitive craving with all of our other offerings! All students are welcome to watch and cheer on their respective halls or first year friends. For those who are commuter students and are first years, you are eligible to compete with your assigned RLC.
The First Year Olympics is a brand new offering coming to the Campus Recreation program beginning Fall 2023! As the event grows and winners are crowned, we will update this section to reflect those winners and point out the standings of the individual events as well. Stay Tuned!
2023: 1st Place- Graham (Alpha RLC), 2nd Place- Casa (DaVinci RLC), 3rd Place-Campisi (Magis RLC)
2024: Will you be the next winner?
2023 First Year Olympics Highlight Video
Highlight video of the 2023 First Year Olympics. Congratulations to the inaugural winners: Graham (Alpha RLC)!